Primitive Stitchery Pattern-Fall
Click on to see finished item stitched by Barb Wilson
Click on to view finished item stitched by Barb Wilson
Click on to image to see the finished item stitched by Kim of Stitchez From the Heart
Click on to see the finished item stitched by Barb Wilson
Wording: Autumn Greetings
Click on top image to see finished item stitched by Barb Wilson
With this design you will receive both images. You can also remove ovals and squares on View 2 for a third image.
Can be stitched with or without side borders.
Reads: Jack
Reads: Autumn Days
Reads: Fall... my favorite time of year
Click on to the image to see the finished item stitched by Kim of Stitchez From the Heart
verse: From sun up till sun down..There's no crows in my garden
Click on the image to see the finished item stitched by Kim of Stitchez From the Heart
Reads: His & Hers
This design is the first of a new collection where you may mix and match the pieces to coordinate many different layouts. I will be releasing more designs like this so that you may share pieces to create even more combinations.
This design is part of a new collection where you may mix and match the pieces to coordinate many different layouts. I will be releasing more designs like this so that you may share pieces from one design set to another to create even more combinations.
Color Version 2 and Fall Color version coordinates with the "Sunflower/Crow" designs.
READS: Fall Leaves